The Friday turnout was expected to be around 17,000 supporters. Obama's campaign staff estimated that about 20,000 people gathered to hear him speak.
The event was originally slated to be held at Gregory Gym on the University of Texas campus, but the overwhelming request for tickets required organizers to move the venue to a place where concerts, rather than political rallies, are held. So, the massive outdoor rally gathered in the rain.
Barack Obama chided Vice President Dick Cheney for saying Britain’s decision to pull troops from Iraq is a good sign that fits with the strategy for stabilizing the country. Actually, Senator Obama said, British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s decision this week to withdraw 1,600 troops is a recognition that Iraq’s problems can’t be solved militarily.
Now if Tony Blair can understand that, than why can’t George Bush and Dick Cheney understand that?
In fact, Dick Cheney said this is all part of the plan (and) it was a good thing that Tony Blair was withdrawing, even as the administration is preparing to put 20,000 more of our young men and women in.
Now, keep in mind, this is the same guy that said we’d be greeted as liberators, the same guy that said that we’re in the last throes. I’m sure he forecast sun today.
When Dick Cheney says it’s a good thing, you know that you’ve probably got some big problems.
Think about it, there hardly is nothing in this world than can turn one's brain to a pickled dill or glaze one's eyes over quicker than an average political speech! To me, to leave my comfy sofa for a political speech could not be accomplished even by using wild horses to do the pulling. Untill Obama that is. The man is an extraordinary communicator which, in my humble opinion, has been somewhat lacking the past six or so years. However, this is neither here nor there if Green Al announces his candidacy, which I personally expect him to do.
What comes to that English Poodle - his people, his party and Her Majesty's loyal opposition are totally fed up with him continnually lifting his hind leg and pissing on them. The English system has so much easier task to get rid of their unfortunate primeminister than you, Americans, have to get rid of your *#&*!!! president. I have gazed into those baby blues of Tony, and what I saw in there are; arrogance of his superiority and unshakeable conviction that his world view and that of his handlers in the White House are the only ones worthy of any consideration. Too bad for the Poodle, he is in the short leash now and soon he will be sent to doggie pound with a muzzler firmly placed on his muzzle. In the mean time, the happy tandem of Elephants are feverishly working on their freshly hatched great ideas such as the Surge in Iraq and perhaps even the Wrath of God on Iran. ALLAHU AKBAR!
Yes, Pekka. Where is that magical 'vote of no-confidence' that is supposed to stop an errant British government in its tracks? Why, given the Bush's war's immense wall-to-wall unpopularity, where was Parliament?
I confess to sopping up my depression by escapism: watching the Oscars from reel to reel last night. Just exercising oversight to confirm in my own mind if Academy would legitimize itself as a professional custodian of American cinematic arts by inviting Al Gore into 'the house' and recognizing the President-Elect's achievements. I guess it did. (I was disappointed in the dearth of hard bodies among the ladies captured by the camera, but that's too much self-disclosure of my unrepentant sexism.)
On Al Gore's mischievousness: I think it's becoming. He deserves to have some fun at our expense.
We have all made much of Al Gore's possible redo of Richard Nixon's capturing the White House after eight years of political withdrawal. The difference is, that Gore won in 2000; the performance of his substitute president validates him historically as being the better choice. The positions he took on Kuwait in 1991 coupled with his position on Iraq in 2003, when added to his refusal to appease on atmospheric warming, qualifies him as one of the greatest statesmen of our time. Why would he want to saddle himself with a presidential responsibility of cleaning up Bush's mess in Mess-o-potamia? Nixon had nothing, and needed a presidential legacy; Bush has handed Gore his legacy.
Not that Gore doesn't deserve getting a draft if Clinton and Obama get reach deadlock on delegates. (What a dream!)
I would argue forcefully that presidential aspirants should (1) be selected on their past judgments and (2) being overly cautious, compliant or conservative should not provide a sanctuary. Thus, in my mind this would disqualify Clinton and qualify the likes of Gravel, Feingold, Hagel, Dean, Gore, Obama, and the like. Obama is running. I say let's go with him.
Just that you know, Vigil, your last paragraph in your comment is precisely what I think. However, we should be aware of, that there still might be a piece missing in Gore's fulfilment, that of never have been the number one in the global pecking order. If he is able to resist this sort of a strong pull, I have to admit of not knowing the man at all.
Gore has no intention of running, why should he? He's doing what he wants to do and saying what he wants to say. He's moved on to better things and he doesn't strike me as a person who likes moving backwards or one who needs the trappings of power to feel special.
And re: Gore running. Why would he return to the stultifying game that is politics? Now he can go to the Oscars, say whatever he thinks, put on a little weight, be seen as an elder statesman in the area of global warming. I wouldn't touch the presidential race if I were him. Life is too short!
Vigilante, not quite the topic here but presently watching CNN report on candidate Hilary Clinton which is actually more on the woman gender thinggy - intl women day.
European voters cannot vote in the US elections but tell you what, my guess is that Hilary is a favorite here.
Hillsblogger, I'm not surprised. Neither am I impressed. You English elected Blair. Your sorry-ass Parliament has an opportunity every day it meets to vote no-confidence in the Poodle, and has yet done so. So, your recommendation for Hillary, Americans' own domesticated bitch, falls on deaf ears.
The domesitcated bitch you're talking about has handbagged her way to history through Bill, she's proven.
She has a better reputation for a more being a thorough bitch than the useless stud you've got presently, not even when he's got a nice pink English poodle to show off.
The notion that a radical is one who hates his country is naive and usually idiotic. He is, more likely, one who loves his country more than the rest of us, and is thus more disturbed than the rest of us when he sees it debauched. He is not a bad citizen turning to crime; he is a good citizen driven to despair.
Reverend G R Gleig, survived the First Anglo-Afghan War to write in 1843:
...a war begun for no wise purpose, carried on with a strange mixture of rashness and timidity, brought to a close after suffering and disaster, without much glory attached either to the government which directed, or the great body of troops which waged it. Not one benefit, political or military, has Britain acquired with this war. Our eventual evacuation of the country resembled the retreat of an army defeated.
Open Thread March 9 2025
Yesterday, the radio opera was Puccini’s “La Boheme” – a very short and
very tragic opera which was the first vinyl recorded opera I ever bought –
and then...
Sun, Mar 9
2007—Newt Gingrich admits, as he runs for president, that he committed
adultery while impeaching B. Clinton. 1992—Donald Trump files his second
bankruptcy ...
MAGA Cultist Encounter
It was right after I clocked in from lunch that I encountered two ladies. I
was riding the elevator down from the sixth floor of the children’s
Bernie Has It Right...
*When you run after your thoughts, you are like a dog chasing a stick:
every time a stick is thrown, you run after it. Instead, be like a lion
who, r...
Gone but not Forgotten
Been years since this site has been public. I only reactivated it because
over the years I've lost several good friends who visited here and I at
their ...
More fictional presidents
An article in The New York Times Magazine reminds me of my typology of
stories involving fictional US presidents. Fictional presidents appear in
three kind...
Otwarcie Salonu Lexusa w Olsztynie
„Witamy w Lexus Olsztyn” to hasło przewodnie podczas otwarcia salonu Lexusa
w Olsztynie . To był emocjonujący wieczór, pełen atrakcji. Na scenie
wystąpił m...
Are Red States Fudging Their Covid-19 Data?
Print Accusations some states have manipulated Covid-19 data to make
themselves look better and support political objectives date to the
earliest days of...
What to Look for in a Gun Safe
People buy gun safes and lockers for many different reasons. However, the
most common and common-sense intended purpose is for the protection of
young lo...
The Sound Of Not Silence
Towards the end of last week the Blue Angels were in town for weekend
shows. There were many flyovers. Did a number of videos just because but
there was so...
Who's Packing Your Parachute?
I had to share this with you because it is so true and
These are great thoughts for all of us!! Charles Plumb was a US Navy jet
Lost in Translation
The Academy Awards have come and gone and the ratings continue to be in
free fall. They lost approximately 6 million viewers from last year and put
up an...
Dakota 38... The Truth... The Killing (Video)
*As we approach December 26th 2016, It is time that we see and learn the
truth of December 26th 1862. As in a few days from now, many Native
Americans and ...
Resting In Peace
It falls upon me to make the following sad announcement: Anne ("Lil'
Bill") Warburton has passed on peacefully, one week short of her 92nd
birthday. She w...
Testing testing 123
Wow, what a mess… spam all over the place!! Must do MASSIVE house cleaning,
then figure out how to work WordPress again… everything’s different now. I
In Case You Missed It...
The blog has moved to a slightly different address: Come on over. ....but hey, do what you will anyway.stenium_url...
Who wants peace on earth?
I wanted to see the North Korean government get whacked so I watched Team
America (2004) last week, too violent and not for kids, but there was a
funny thi...
NC vs. TN: A Race to the Bottom
Last month I wrote about how Tennessee welcomes you unless you're gay,
poor, or have special needs. I related how I was too embarrassed to tell
people wher...
With "Friends" Like Yemen's, No Enemies Needed
In early January 2011, former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
landed in Sana'a to manage the autocratic habits of a useful ally in the
war agains...
This blog is not currently active.
It was used for many years but I now blog at Check it
out. But this one is only a warehouse for old posts.
Sorry about that!
To anyone who is still trying to visit this site: I'm so sorry that it has
been allowed to go fallow. I'm FURIOUS with the asshats at Echo for having
lost ...
on getting tough with God
Have ya ever wondered where God is when you Really need Him?
Ever get Really mad and say - Where is God in this time of My Great Need?
If you have ever fou...
Dodgers Now blog redesigned, has new address
The L.A. Times Dodgers Now blog has been redesigned, and with our new duds
we're rolling out a new URL. So if you've been a loyal follower of Steve
Great Depression II
From a N.Y. Times commenter:
I'm... an independent who could not bring myself to vote for any of these
republican candidates. In fact, I believe they would...
"Failure" of the Super Committee??
This concept has been kicked around for a few days, but TPM boils it down
nicely -- if Congress were to do nothing, then deficits would go WAY down.
Now, ...
In case anyone is still visiting this blog ...
I stopped updating this blog last year, and I am no longer writing for Mad
Mike's. You can now find my volunteer prose poetry and musings at RoundTree7,
*"Corporations are NOT people! Money is NOT free speech!" - TomCat, -*
*"Advertising is legalized lying." - H.G. Wells -*
Big bu...
Michael Moore: America Is Not Broke
Speech delivered at Wisconsin Capitol in Madison, March 5, 2011America is
not broke.Contrary to what those in power would like you to believe so that
*Cousin Mickey contacted me on Face Book the other day and suddenly a host
of childhood memories flooded in. Mickey lived in Estill Springs, my
Mom's h...
A New Day
*To Mac's cherished readers and fellow bloggers:*
While living life to it's fullest, Mac always had an optimistic view for
tomorrow. "Tomorro...
Kit, Unwired
My life is in transition, and my daughter Casie and I are in the process of
moving. We've looked at a few places, from rooms to rent to apartments and
Justifiable Police Brutality
If I reacted to being stopped and cited for jay-walking in this manner, and
resisted arrest, I would expect to get a pop in the nose. Or something.<i...
Matthew Alexander
Matthew Alexander (a pseudonym) is a former senior military interrogator
and author of How to Break a Terrorist: The U.S. Interrogators Who Used
Brains, No...
Racism in China
Lou Jing sings Shanghai opera and speaks fluent Mandarin, but when she
competed to be China's next reality TV pop star, it was not her voice that
was crit...
The Magic Roundabout
Back in the day there was a hugely popular children’s TV show in Blighty
called The Magic Roundabout. One of its many much loved characters was a
stoned ra...
My once-great country's only hope was to remove Bush from office before his term expired to permit the early repair of the devastation he created. Now the USA is on life support.
Think about it, there hardly is nothing in this world than can turn one's brain to a pickled dill or glaze one's eyes over quicker than an average political speech! To me, to leave my comfy sofa for a political speech could not be accomplished even by using wild horses to do the pulling. Untill Obama that is. The man is an extraordinary communicator which, in my humble opinion, has been somewhat lacking the past six or so years. However, this is neither here nor there if Green Al announces his candidacy, which I personally expect him to do.
ReplyDeleteWhat comes to that English Poodle - his people, his party and Her Majesty's loyal opposition are totally fed up with him continnually lifting his hind leg and pissing on them. The English system has so much easier task to get rid of their unfortunate primeminister than you, Americans, have to get rid of your *#&*!!! president. I have gazed into those baby blues of Tony, and what I saw in there are; arrogance of his superiority and unshakeable conviction that his world view and that of his handlers in the White House are the only ones worthy of any consideration. Too bad for the Poodle, he is in the short leash now and soon he will be sent to doggie pound with a muzzler firmly placed on his muzzle. In the mean time, the happy tandem of Elephants are feverishly working on their freshly hatched great ideas such as the Surge in Iraq and perhaps even the Wrath of God on Iran. ALLAHU AKBAR!
Yes, Pekka. Where is that magical 'vote of no-confidence' that is supposed to stop an errant British government in its tracks? Why, given the Bush's war's immense wall-to-wall unpopularity, where was Parliament?
ReplyDeleteI confess to sopping up my depression by escapism: watching the Oscars from reel to reel last night. Just exercising oversight to confirm in my own mind if Academy would legitimize itself as a professional custodian of American cinematic arts by inviting Al Gore into 'the house' and recognizing the President-Elect's achievements. I guess it did. (I was disappointed in the dearth of hard bodies among the ladies captured by the camera, but that's too much self-disclosure of my unrepentant sexism.)
ReplyDeleteOn Al Gore's mischievousness: I think it's becoming. He deserves to have some fun at our expense.
We have all made much of Al Gore's possible redo of Richard Nixon's capturing the White House after eight years of political withdrawal. The difference is, that Gore won in 2000; the performance of his substitute president validates him historically as being the better choice. The positions he took on Kuwait in 1991 coupled with his position on Iraq in 2003, when added to his refusal to appease on atmospheric warming, qualifies him as one of the greatest statesmen of our time. Why would he want to saddle himself with a presidential responsibility of cleaning up Bush's mess in Mess-o-potamia? Nixon had nothing, and needed a presidential legacy; Bush has handed Gore his legacy.
Not that Gore doesn't deserve getting a draft if Clinton and Obama get reach deadlock on delegates. (What a dream!)
I would argue forcefully that presidential aspirants should (1) be selected on their past judgments and (2) being overly cautious, compliant or conservative should not provide a sanctuary. Thus, in my mind this would disqualify Clinton and qualify the likes of Gravel, Feingold, Hagel, Dean, Gore, Obama, and the like. Obama is running. I say let's go with him.
Just that you know, Vigil, your last paragraph in your comment is precisely what I think. However, we should be aware of, that there still might be a piece missing in Gore's fulfilment, that of never have been the number one in the global pecking order. If he is able to resist this sort of a strong pull, I have to admit of not knowing the man at all.
ReplyDeleteVigilant, if Gore was the most exciting guest at the Oscars, no wonder the show was boring!
ReplyDeleteGore has no intention of running, why should he? He's doing what he wants to do and saying what he wants to say. He's moved on to better things and he doesn't strike me as a person who likes moving backwards or one who needs the trappings of power to feel special.
ReplyDeleteOh, no. I see we have reached the cowboy hat stage...
ReplyDeleteLOL, MD!
ReplyDeleteAnd re: Gore running. Why would he return to the stultifying game that is politics? Now he can go to the Oscars, say whatever he thinks, put on a little weight, be seen as an elder statesman in the area of global warming. I wouldn't touch the presidential race if I were him. Life is too short!
I agree with everything that E said, and everyone else, except perhaps "casey". I am just agreeable today.
ReplyDeleteSo far as what I really think: Obama for President.
Right you are, Mike! 2008 doesn't have to be like 1984!
ReplyDeleteVigilante, not quite the topic here but presently watching CNN report on candidate Hilary Clinton which is actually more on the woman gender thinggy - intl women day.
ReplyDeleteEuropean voters cannot vote in the US elections but tell you what, my guess is that Hilary is a favorite here.
I would vote for her - hah!
Definitely on topic, Hills!
ReplyDeleteHillsblogger, I'm not surprised. Neither am I impressed. You English elected Blair. Your sorry-ass Parliament has an opportunity every day it meets to vote no-confidence in the Poodle, and has yet done so. So, your recommendation for Hillary, Americans' own domesticated bitch, falls on deaf ears.
ReplyDeleteYou guys will never learn will you?
The domesitcated bitch you're talking about has handbagged her way to history through Bill, she's proven.
She has a better reputation for a more being a thorough bitch than the useless stud you've got presently, not even when he's got a nice pink English poodle to show off.