But Rosa Brooks gets me off my dime. Look at what she wrote in the Los Angeles Times, a couple of days ago:
. . . . The Mumbai metropolitan area is home to an estimated 19 million people, but it took just 10 men to shut the city down.I don't quarrel with where Brooks takes her readers with this - emphatically not.
Last week's terrorist attacks involved a handful of men armed only with guns, grenades and homemade bombs. But they killed more than 170 people, closed universities and businesses, shut down India's National Stock Exchange and did incalculable economic damage to a country that boasts the world's third-largest military and internationally respected police and intelligence services -- none of which managed to prevent the attacks.
Sound familiar?
It should. It should remind you of 9/11, when 19 men armed only with box cutters ultimately killed nearly 3,000 people. And the 2004 Madrid train bombings, which killed 191, and the 2005 bombings on London's Underground, which killed 52. Each of these attacks involved a small number of perpetrators. Each was low-tech. Each caused enormous psychological and economic damage in addition to loss of life, and each occurred in countries with sophisticated security forces.
Get used to it.
Because the Mumbai attack should also remind you of Timothy McVeigh and the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, which killed 168, and the 2002 D.C.-area sniper attacks, in which two men killed 10 people and caused so much fear that for weeks people were reluctant to go to shopping centers or gas stations, and the 2007 Virginia Tech shootings, in which one man killed 32 people.
The perpetrators of those attacks weren't Islamic extremists. McVeigh was a white supremacist; the D.C. snipers were a disgruntled African American Army vet and his gullible teen sidekick; the Virginia Tech killer was a psychologically troubled Asian American student. They had nothing in common except anger and a desire to cause death, pain and panic. And they succeeded.
We can't even stop school shootings by disturbed teenagers. Don't imagine we'll be much better at stopping ideologically motivated terrorists. As long as terrorists keep it low-tech and simple, they're hard to stop.
. . . . . I also wonder: Why would a terrorist bother to manufacture a nuke or "weaponize" a virus -- a complicated, costly, risky and time-consuming process -- when all he needs is a few determined people, some cheaply and easily obtained weapons or explosives, and boom? Even the most sophisticated society would be left paralyzed with fear. . . . .
What I am taken with is all this hysteria about weapons of mass destruction. Of course, a primary focus of American defense organizations (such as the NSA, CIA, State Department and Defense Department) should be to reduce the probability of dirty bombs being delivered to our cities in suitcases. But with that no-brainer voiced, let us not forget the weapons of individual destruction.

Like the 9/11 attack on the World Trade center:
- Everyone initially said no one anticipated it.
- The attack was elaborately planned to strike at multiple sites.
- They produced a television spectacle..
- The delivery system was commonplace; no anti-missile missile system would have prevented it.
- Weapons of individual destruction were used: knives, guns, hand-grenades.
- Assailants came from abroad from a failed state which refused to give up the usual suspects and probable culprits.
Instead, some intensive multilateral diplomacy is in order. That should be led by heavy-handed, hands-on leadership by our own new, 21st Century-competent national security team. In other words, I'm saying that we cannot afford to address Kashmir and related issues with the same hands-off, bystander approach which has characterized Bush's non-policy on Palestine for the last eight years.
But that said, let's remember those assault weapons of individual destruction. These are the same types of weapons the NRA says are guaranteed by the 2nd amendment. These will not have to come to our shores in the dead of night, dragged over piers, etc. They are readily available at neighborhood swapmeets, yours and mine.
When politicians tell you they are the only ones able to make you safe, they aren't talking about box cutters, are they? It's not that kind of problem. A good schoolteacher in the right place can do more to help quell extremism than all of Homeland Security.
ReplyDeleteThe Mumbai attack reeks of direct intelligence involvement. I've been mulling it over as well, and the closest I've come to getting my head around it is it favors al-Qaeda by shifting Pakistan's focus away from its western border to its east. It favors India's right-wing party; it favors US diplomacy in the region, and its advanced arms industry. It may favor an independent Kashmir, but that's quite debatable.
ReplyDeleteNo way was the LeT capable of pulling this off alone.
I was relieved after reading your post Vigil. I was afraid that something had happened to the elephant:-)