Monday, December 27, 2010

How's the Surge Going?

Dial 1-800-NOT-WELL!
As we enter the tenth year of our Afghanistan War/Occupation/Nation-Build, taking stock is as timely as it is inevitable. Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal published two maps of Afghanistan depicting the progress of NATO's counter-insurgency in Afghanistan.

The contrast was striking!

These maps are used by U.N. and NGO personnel to measure the dangers of traveling and operating in Afghanistan's districts. Nic Lee, director of the Afghanistan NGO Safety Office was quoted:

The country as a whole is dramatically worse off than a year ago, both in terms of the insurgency's geographical spread and its rate of attacks .... Vast amounts of the country remain insecure for the unarmed civilians, and more and more areas are becoming inaccessible.
Happy New Year.


  1. When does 'Withdrawal' equals 'Retreat' equals 'Defeat'? American Exceptionalism: what an oxymoron!

  2. How's the Surge Going?

    Like a submarine with a screen door. Serious suckage.

  3. Stopping by to wish you and yours a very Happy New Year.
    Tim and Melissa
