Saturday, January 20, 2007

Unitary Executives

Captions Please!


  1. One of them is the other on steroids. (I can't tell which one.)

  2. I know we don`t have much in common except that maybe we would like to kill each other.
    Lets just slowly back off , keeping our hands in plain site.
    Remember the guns are drawn from both sides , so no sudden movements.

  3. reciprocal narcissism of small differences

    Because both Bush and Chavez deeply hate each other, this represents what Freud called the narcissism of small differences:

    Freud coined the phrase in a paper titled "The Taboo of Virginity" that he published in 1917. Referring to earlier work by British anthropologist Ernest Crawley, he said that we reserve our most virulent emotions – aggression, hatred, envy – towards those who resemble us the most. We feel threatened not by the Other with whom we have little in common – but by the "nearly-we", who mirror and reflect us.

  4. Bingo: we hate most strongly that which we ourselves exhibit (our "shadows," usually). For me it's elitism, injustice, violence and sexism. Yeah, at my worst I exhibit all of them in some form or another.

  5. Isn't this a tad hyperbolic? I'm just saying.

  6. Messenger, Glenn Greenwald has very revealing essay on the psychotic nepotism of neocons. Worth a read and a comment.

  7. I read the essay. Very good, and thought-provoking.

  8. Good old Freud. He had no idea he had so much in common with Nostradamus. As to the interesting picture, I submit that Chavez would be more likely to be kissing Bush's ass, if only Bush were smart enough to realize that Brazil would make a really, really, good friend, as opposed to an enemy. But then that would be asking too much of Our Leader and Deputy Leader Cheney.

    That was a great essay vigil and a good comment Skip.

  9. my guess is chavez would prefer his special backrub

  10. I just can't quit you, Hugo...

  11. Hugo, I had heard Jenna had a Latin stud down south but I had no idea.

  12. Didn't Hugo tell Bush to F'off this weekend on his 5 hour radio address? Its a love/hate thang to be sure..

    I know he did call Condo "Missy", which is nicer than how i refer to her.
