These 21 Congressmen and Congresswomen have signed on to support Kucinich's H RES 333, introducing the Articles of Impeachment of Vice President Richard Cheney summarized below:
First Charge:
Cheney has purposely manipulated the intelligence process to deceive the citizens and Congress of the United States by fabricating a threat of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction to justify the use of the United States Armed Forces against the nation of Iraq in a manner damaging to our national security interestsSecond Charge:
Cheney purposely manipulated the intelligence process to deceive the citizens and Congress of the United States about an alleged relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda in order to justify the use of the United States Armed Forces against the nation of Iraq in a manner damaging to our national security interestsThird Charge:
Cheney has openly threatened aggression against the Republic of Iran absent any real threat to the United States, and done so with the United States proven capability to carry out such threats, thus undermining the national security of the United States.Tomorrow, Congressman Kucinich's bill to impeach Cheney will be introduced on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. Another pro-Bush or Bush-lite congress member will move to table (kill) the resolution. The vote will come on the 6th, 7th, or 8th of November. If the vote to table the motion carries, this generation of Americans will go down in history as condoning the above stated actions of Dick Cheney as not being beyond the pale of the American Way of governance. Such a stain will be indelible.
We, alone, can help save our country and our generation this embarrassment by contacting our Congressional representatives and urge a "No" vote on the anticipated tabling motion - and in effect, giving impeachment a chance.
Great minds, Vig. I called my Rep early this morning.
ReplyDeleteDennis Kucinich?? How could he possibly embarrass a nation led by Dubya and his neo-cons???
ReplyDeleteI was embarrassed enough of my fellow country men when today at work during lunch a brief newsbreak spoke about the mounting chaos in Pakistan all they could talk about afterward was the second segment about how Paris Hilton got into some sort of trouble going into porn shop dressed in a skeleton custom with mask.
ReplyDeleteThe Reasons not to Impeach! Hotlist by Turkana:
ReplyDeleteSun Jun 24, 2007 at 01:27:00 PM PDT
Because the Constitution needed shredding.
Because the rule of law is quaint.
Because all those lies that got us into the war have been proved worth it.
Because the war should never end.
Because being an international pariah is kind of cool.
Because international law is silly.
Because torture is fun.
Because ignoring all the screaming alarms before 9/11 was prudent.
Because New Orleans wasn't all that great, anyway.
Because the people of New Orleans and Iraq were expendable.
Because our military personnel deserve to suffer unprecedented abuse at the hands of their own government.
Because it's exciting knowing we're all being spied upon.
Because we missed out on all the fun that was life in the Soviet Union.
Because the Department of Justice is meant to be used as a political weapon.
Because the way to get rid of election fraud is to get rid of elections.
Because every national regulatory agency should be run by former lobbyists from the industries each agency regulated.
Because corporate executives were underpaid and their employees were coddled.
Because our government should be of, by, and for the fossil fuel industries.
Because billions of dollars needed to be funneled from hardworking taxpayers through off-book, no-bid contracts to corporations owned by members of the Administration, and their friends and relatives.
Because our minds just aren't beautiful enough to appreciate a war president commander guy unitary executive.
Because Congressional lawmaking authority was meant to be nullified with the stroke of a signing-statement pen.
Because Rococo art was actually pretty amazing, so the Divine Right of Kings must also have been.
Because global warming doesn't exist.
Because people suffering from Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Multiple Sclerosis are less important than single cells in petri dishes.
Because we need to set a precedent that presidents have impunity.
Because Democracy was a failed experiment.
Because the backlash against President Clinton's impeachment proved that the public has no taste for impeachment- no matter the extent of the high crimes and misdemeanors.
Because Congressional Republicans are just dying to sacrifice their careers to defend an imploding Administration.
Because it's scary to be decisive.
Because it's scary to rise to history's challenges.
Because David Broder would write something nasty about the Democrats.
Because all those annoying bloggers might start to believe they were actually right.
Math quiz!
ReplyDeleteThe Cheney impeachment resolution was introduced in April 2007 (about six moths ago).
If Dennis K. has signed up 21 colleagues in six months, how many more months will it be before Kucinich has the support he needs to pass this beautiful, wonderful, glorious resolution?
ReplyDeleteCurrently H Res 333 sits in the Constitution Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee, where Chairman Jerold Nadler has done nothing with it for months. He is going to introduce a privileged resolution on the floor of the
U.S. House Tuesday morning to force a vote on his resolution to impeach. The privilege approach allows him to circumvent Democratic leadership, which opposes voting on the measure.
An American Research Group poll this summer found more than half of Americans support Cheney's impeachment.
So, the problem is Congress, and thus it is Congress that will suffer a self-inflicted embrassment, not the American people, when they table the Kucinich's resolution or bury it in committee.
FWIW, My short & brief email to Congresswoman Lois Capps:
ReplyDeleteThe Honorable Lois Capps:
Please vote support of this Impeachment measure and against any attempt to table it. Dick Cheney's serial and comprehensive abuses of power are exactly what the Founders had in mind when they included the impeachment provisions (6 of them) in the Constitution. If this Congress does not impeach Cheney, it should amend the Constitution to do away with Impeachment. My wife and I won't bother to vote anymore. Maybe we'll just move to Pakistan.
(Research shows that brevity = clarity = effectiveness when writing to legislators.)
I recommend the all-purpose site posted in the right hand column of my pages. It does a cc version to House leadership, too!
ReplyDeleteCongressman Kucinich is introducing H Res 333 as I type this.
ReplyDeleteLet me see if I got this right.
ReplyDeleteDennis floats H Res. 333. Then the Dems try to send it to Judiciary Committee never never land. Then the GOP votes against that so the Dems. must procede.
What do they do next? Debate? Indict?
This whole deal has me confused.
The Republicans want to debate it because they know that the vast majority of Democrats don't have the guts to vote for it.
ReplyDeleteThe Demcratic leadership wants to "disappear" it because they know that the vast majority of Democrats don't have the guts to vote for it.
It's a sad situation.
At the very least let the brave souls who support it have their day at the podium.
I don't get the left's fetishism with impeachment. We can only lose, legally and politically. It's pure activism on Kucinich's part. Even the "Nation" wrote this, some time ago: Impeachment would be the one thing the Republicans need to regroup and reenergize themselves.
ReplyDeleteBush and Cheney "won" two elections. The American people brought that upon themselves. Hopefully they've learned their lesson. So, the best way to deal with this sorry bunch is defeat them in 2008. Afterwards, there may be legal means to deal with the crimes the Bush administration committed. But impeachment is not the way to do it. Nixon was the one special occasion when the 2/3 majority was within grasp - Clinton or Bush is an other matter.
Get over it. Defeat the Repugs. On the ballot.
I agree completely with Avendelig. Impeachment is not going to happen in the time left and we should not be wasting our resources on retribution, and that is all that it is: retribution. The left needs to focus on keeping th Congress and winning the White House.
ReplyDelete? "wasting our resources?"
ReplyDeleteWhat resources? You two (Anvendelig & Mike) are sounding just like Diane Feinstein.
Business as usual. We have a busy schedule. Our docket is full. We have bills to pass. Like a new FISA bill. Like legislation to make waterboparding illegal. Like child health care?
WTF??? We already have a FISA law. Amended several times over since 9-11. Waterboarding is already illegal.
What are should we use our 'resources' for? For what are we saving them? Jerk-ass doesn't even have to veto the hard work of Congress; he just re-writes legislation in signing statements.
Wake up and smell the coffee Mike. These Republicans are not like you and me. They are beyond the pale of U.S. history. They play by the rules they make up along the way.
Impeachment is not retribution.
ReplyDeleteWhat they did must be investigated by Congress.
They have lied us into war, authorized torture, spied on Americans illegally, and stripped people of their rights.
The fact that no one gives a shit is appalling.
You're absolutely right, M.D. Impeachment is not retribution. Impeachment is restoration.
ReplyDeleteBTW, Here is the Recorded vote on Dennis Kucinich's HR Res 333.
I'm glad my Congresswoman, Lois Capps, was on the side of the Constitution, and I owe her my thanks.
Bravo, messenger! Thanks to all of you. Unfortunately and uncharacteristically, my rep, Congressman Waxman is still on the fence. He'll be hearing from me... a lot.
ReplyDeleteH.Res 333 cosponsors from Thomas.
Kucinich is not the only candidate disparaging Cheney.
Great quote from The Hill: "During the weekend, Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) referred to the vice president as “a crazy uncle in the attic.” He was riffing on reports that he and Cheney are distantly related."
Thanks to you, M.D.:
ReplyDeleteBusheney Are the Real Issues in this campaign (2008). We need to get the Articles of Impeachment sent to the Senate. Let's get the Republicans on the record defending 'their boys in office'. Maybe we'll catch a Republican Candidate in the nets!