A not-so-random, weekend rant!
In the 1990’s, during the various stages of the progressing self-inflicted dissolution of Yugoslavia, I blogged on the Los Angeles Times Forums. It wasn’t actually called blogging back then. A bunch of us were on line, lurking, taking and giving offense, impugning the heredity of others, etc. Yeah, you could stretch and call it blogging, I guess. There were Americans, Russians, Montenegrins, Greeks and an Israeli. I remember particularly Yelena, a Russian woman in graduate school in Kansas; and a fellow Southern Californian named William Butler – an articulate and righteously vindictive polemicist – who abruptly died in the middle of a week-long, on-line spat with the Russian. (I missed him terribly - we had had each other’s back.) The LAT Forum supported HTML code for graphics, unlike Blogger’s comments, so we were outrageously creative and just plain outrageous. I remember the time … well, (I’d better save that for another time.) Let’s just say the Times struggled with formulating clear and enforceable rules of propriety that my fellow forum members were always inadvertently violating. Management would repeatedly close the forum for short intervals for sanitation reasons and ultimately recruited for a Forum Administrator. (I applied!) After one was hired, he or she promptly nuked the forum for good.
But I learned many things about Yugoslavia and ex-Yugoslavia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Sarajevo, Croatia, Montenegro, Kosovo, and Russia. I can recall many photographs and personal stories of bravery and depravity. Some of these I would be better off forgetting. I learned that I could feel deeply outraged about stuff outside my own life again – something I had not felt since civil rights days, three decades previously. Having thrown away a first class library during those 30 years, I began to refurbish my shelves with political non-fiction. I bought and read books! Then, with the Forum vaporized and Miloševic deposed, I relaxed and forgot.
Until this week.
Yugoslavia was a political apparatus contrived to govern one of the most hyper-polarized conglomerations of peoples in Eastern Europe.

Frankly, I do not remember how or why it was that Serbs anointed themselves as the primary custodians of the Yugoslavian federation. Perhaps it was because of the relative cohesiveness of the Serbian Communist party? Were Serbs dominant in the Yugoslavian military’s officer corps? Whatever. In Miloševic, Serbs bet on the wrong strategist and strategy. Blood and iron, ethnic cleansing, pogroms,and intimidation were not going to work now that hostile blocs no longer surrounded Yugoslavia. Pushing people around would only produce a push-back; blood would beget only more blood. In the aftermath of the Cold War, the last thing Western Europe wanted was to passively witness World War II-vintage genocides forcing population movements across borders with all of the destabilization that that would engender.
But it was down that bloody road the Serbs went. It will be said, there was plenty of blame and bleeding to go around. Let that be said.

It turned out that the Serbs behaved exactly as their track record led us to anticipate.

I care that the Serbs’ 1389 A.D. version of our Alamo - Boj na Kosovu - is located near Pristina or wherever. But not nearly as much as Miloševic’s supporters should have cared when they were raping and pillaging the Kosovars in 1999. It is ludicrous for them now to claim ‘Kosovo is Serbia’; as ludicrous as it would be for any inveterate and recidivist wife-beater to reclaim possession of his ‘beloved’ wife. There’s too much blood past the dam, by now.
Kosovo's ethnic Albanian leaders declared independence from Serbia on Sunday. Later in the week our embassy in Belgrade was bombed by a huge mob of dead-ending Christo-fascists, bereft of leadership from their dead fuhrer, Miloševic. I call it even with those motherfuckers.
It’s time for them and their neo-Soviet patrons to get over ex-Yugoslavia and join the 21st century. Kosovo belongs to the Kosovars.
I'm gravely concerned that the NATO enforced peace is about to completely unravel. The Declaration of Independence by Kosovo is the catalyst.
ReplyDeleteIt is really important to remember that General Wesley Clark led the NATO forces in the war during the Clinton administration without ever receiving any United Nations approval.
Today Russia is strongly objecting to the Kosovo statehood. There will be no UN support for any action the United States or Europe through NATO might take.
Will NATO have the courage to actually engage in a "hot war" to defend Kosovo?
Thank you vigilante for your excellent rant and history lesson. We need this type of insight right now.... because this looks really ugly today.
Wizard-Fkap, I think you might agree with me when I caution Vigil that as satisfying as it may have been for him to talk smack to the Serbs a decade ago, he no longer has the luxury or security of living in a first class world power. I think he do better now with a little more reticence.
ReplyDeleteI like the cartoon. The text is complete and utter garbage, but it it would be pointless to try and educate those whose prejudice is stronger than any desire to know and understand.
ReplyDeleteCOMMENT MODERATION: Sorry about that anonymous comment. Problem fixed.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Soros' Proxy with the bulk of our ground forces tied down in Iraq keep that political Frankstein from flying apart there won't be any Serb slapping if they should try to keep Kosovo by force. Of course with Bushy still eager to jump Iran anything is possible.
ReplyDeleteAn absolutely wonderful lesson in history and geography, Vig! You're way beyond me! I needed that.
ReplyDeleteI suggest you offer your library to our emperor so that he can read it to relax and catch up after he leaves office, IF he leaves office. You can never tell. Remember,Ralph Nader is back.
ou will never be persecuted here, Ms. Starr. However, you will be censored/edited as to length.