Mr. Will "take no prisoners" Hart got to me today.

I am sick and tired of being told by the MSM, "Hart-ists", and the Weimar Republican'ts that those on the liberal left and those on the rabid right are equally to blame for the increasingly divisive political atmosphere that pervades our country.
Read Hart's comments here.To say that leftys and rightys are equally provocative and venomous is patently untrue. The Republican'ts are united in following the Rules found in their Gospel of PublikSpeak, one central Rule being: If you have nothing constructive to offer, create BIG lies, REPEAT them as often as possible. and ALWAYS speak with a UNIFIED public voice. The Repubs promulgate their lies and fantastical fear-mongering with one united - VERY EFFECTIVE - voice.

The Dems seem to not understand that words truly matter when shaping the public's perceptions of an issue; and that first perceptions can be very resistant to being changed, so it is important to be the first to shape the public's perception of an issue. An example is illustrative: Too many Americans still believe the Big Bush lie that Sadam and the Iraqis were in cahoots with those who actually planned and attacked us on 9/11. That is a big fat untruth - a fantastical lie made up so that Bush could become a "War President". and thus steal a second term.
Compare the way the Repubs united behind Bush with how the current Congress has treated President Obama. The Congressional Dems have been more united in opposing President Obama than in helping to pass his agenda. Obama understands that our nation's values and economy were grievously assaulted; that despotic ruination was inflicted upon middle class Americans during the years that Busheney reigned. He needs and deserves to have help from his fellow Democrats in the Congress.
Preferring to accentuate their areas of disagreement, rather than seeking areas of agreement and actively working together to overcome the obstructionism of the Republican'ts, it seems that the Dems are repeating the same mistake they made when Clinton was President. The Dems need to join hands and stand united against the rabid Republican't politics of personal (and increasingly, their dangerously incendiary politics of national) destruction. Sadly, the Dems, with the notable exceptions of Congressmen Grayson and Weiner and Senator Boxer, have not attempted to detoxify the Republican'ts outlandish misrepresentations of Obama and of the overwhelming mess these very same Repubs created and now try to blame upon the Congressional Democrats.
Too many Dems have ceded their power to shape the public's political perceptions to the Palins, Becks, Bachmanns, Rushes, Roves, and Boniers, who are only too happy to shout out their toxic messages of Distraction, Sedition, and Treason. After years of hearing only these strident lying voices dominating the public airways and all of the MSM, it seems that it is no longer possible to have a respectful and constructive dialogue between and among liberals and conservatives to solve the many difficult problems that we face as a nation.
No, Mr. Hart, you are mistaken. The Dems and the Repubs are NOT equally adept at gaming the public by demonizing our government and creating fear-mongering lies that enrage and inflame the uninformed and the disturbed among us. The Dems do not "give as good as they get", Mr. Hart. Nor are they Chomsky's "fops".
Rather, the Dems are behaving as if they were survivors of a terrible trauma - as if they were abused spouses. Indeed, too many Dems seem shell-shocked and stupefied by the sheer number and the enormity of the fabrications, distortions, and outright lies that the Repubs use to distract the voters from noticing their paucity of

constructive solutions to our nation's pressing problems.
In truth, the Dems are actually very capable of remembering how to govern effectively and fairly. They need to remember that they truly DO possess a spine and a voice that could make a difference, if joined with others of like minds. Then they need to speak truthfully to all of us who still believe in the power of responsible and principled government to improve the daily lives of its citizens. They need to remember that they have been elected to help our beloved country recover from the havoc wreaked upon her. And then, they need to find a unified voice that can denounce the Repub's dirty little games of blame, incitement, demagoguery, lies and shameless hypocrisy.
And, it wouldn't hurt to tell us about what they have been able to accomplish - in spite of the "Just Say No" Republican'ts.