Mubarak has installed as vice president the man who has overseen the torture of U.S. prisoners at the behest of the U.S. government.
This will not do. Mubarak and his appointees must go, and the people of Egypt must be left free to elect their leaders.
Many myths about what this means are dispelled by this recording of a conversation on Friday with an activist in Cairo: audio.
Readers, please contact the White House and encourage President Obama to take the side of Egypt's people and urge the Egyptian military to refuse illegal orders to attack civilians.
But what about the Muslim Brotherhood and poor Israel?
Ronald Regan would say to Obama, "Mr. President, tear down this fence!"
ReplyDeleteHave contacted the White House - soon the SS will just hook a line up to my cell - I, naturally, agree with you Vig! Wish you'd stop into our lil liberal radio show and voice your opinion today! :-)
ReplyDeleteMany people voted for Obama hoping for change. The change they got was that Obama is Bush on steroids!
ReplyDeleteObama only does what he's told. I seek out every opportunity to be one of his tellers. Damn the consequences.
ReplyDeleteAs for is radio, I don't like the sound of my voice and I never remember what I say. Therefore, I write.
I voted for change I could believe in. At the time I thought Obama and I believed in some of the same things.
ReplyDeleteBut, but, but.
ReplyDeleteWe, and the Egyptians have been told for decades that their elections were "free elections".
When Shillary speaks of "their military".
She mind as well be saying "our military".
We have financed, supplied, and condoned this regime from the start.
Mostly to keep up the facade of an Israeli/Egyptian peace treaty.
How many people has W/O sent to Egypt for torture.
I am sure that the House of Saud is keeping a night light on 24/7.
Israel may be going back to the 67 borders sooner than later.
This is not going away and as I write this it seems the military to me are waiting for Mubarak to go away because the people aren't.
ReplyDeleteIt is high time we abandoned the policy of supporting ruthless dictators only because their regimes are stable and they proclaim friendship for us!
ReplyDeleteNot that I should have been surprised but it did catch me off guard to hear that 1.3 billion of the 1.5 billion we send as aid to Egypt takes the form of tanks, attack helicopters, jet fighters, and other assorted instruments of war.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless America!
(That's sarcasm by the way)
Here's the situation, Brothers and Sisters: whatever happens after the Octogenarian dictator goes, It's not going to be perfect in Egypt. Revolutions are always messy. Ours was, remember? (Oh I guess all of you weren't around then, as I was!) Innocent people lose homes and lives. There won't be a perfect constitutional government with co-equal three branches. All of the imperfections with be covered by CNN and Al-Jazeera. But Obama is worried about what FOX News is going to say about whatever happens - all the imperfections. And the Moslem Brotherhood! He's going to be blamed for all the imperfections. He's going to worry because his 2nd term is at stake.
ReplyDeleteWho in our American Dictatorship of the Corporatariat has blocked Al Jazeera English (AJE) broadcasts? I would like the answer to that! Seriously! But in the meantime we can get AJE streaming on the Net, thanks due to net neutrality, of course!
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't worry about the Muslim brotherhood there but Israel should be worried. They are concerned about the peace process. Yeah right , if they wanted peace they would have it already.
ReplyDeleteThe people just want to pock their own President and have jobs and food neither of which they have while Mubarak holds on and tries to starve them out.
Actually the administration has been heavily involved in this for days. They just don't think it necessary to tell everyone. Now, however, they are. They have told Mubarak he needs to go. He chooses not to go. So what do we do now? War Vigil?
ReplyDeleteI think Obama is finally coming off the fence. The question is why it took him so long to say it's up to the Egyptian people. All this prevaricating this past week has created the wrong impression in the Egyptian streets. That's what ElBaradei has been telling him:
ReplyDelete"You shouldn't be behind the curve, and you need to start building confidence with the people and not with the people who are smothering the people."
The USA and the World needs so badly to get some good news, to get lucky, as it were. When I think of Mubarek's offer to 'share power', I think of Robert Magabe's similar offer and what it has led to. These are two men who have octogenarian foreheads calling out for a bullet between the eyes. Think how many lives those two bullets would save.
ReplyDeleteHis remarks this morning that there must be change and it must be now this morning seemed clear to me.
ReplyDeleteIt was clear to me also Tom. However it is my experience that Obama bashers are often as fanatic as the Bush bashers. Bush couldn't do anything right, and I have to agree he rarely did. Obama, according to this bashers, do just the same, despite the presidents outstanding record.