Trump’s Détente with Venezuela
Trump’s corollary to the Monroe Doctrine – “speak loudly AND carry a big
stick” – has not been applied full force on Venezuela… as of yet. Instead
the new ...
2 hours ago
Yes! You go Santa Barbara. This anti-corporate backlash is spreading, and there's nothing Wall Street's prostitutes in Congress and the mainstream "media" can do about it.
ReplyDeleteHey Tom! It was small, maybe a couple hundreds. But it was worth walking down five blocks during my lunch break. Felt good. Real good.
ReplyDeleteI suspect that a lot of the young people there are C students from mediocre universities with a boatload of time on their hands (some of who, from my vantage point, are actually making the tea partiers sound intelligible). Obviously, I could be wrong.
ReplyDeleteObviously you are wrong Will.
ReplyDeleteHowever; my purpose here today is to find my favorite posting Skipper. You are missed, Vig. Don't see you around too much. Just stoppin' by to wave and say so. Great poster! :-)
Thank you Ms Barry. Will is not a blogger, but a broker (in his own admission).
ReplyDeleteThere are more arrests in one day with this crowd than there've been in the entire history of the Tea Party movement (not that I necessarily support that group of systematizers, either). And what do they frigging want? More free stuff? More central planning? And why aren't they frigging picketing Fannie and Freddie? Those frigging a-holes took a big fat frigging bailout, too. And you wonder why I despise partisan politics so?
ReplyDeleteActually, Fannie and Freddie have become a target. (You ought to try harder to keep up.) A move is on to reduce Fannie and Freddie executives' exorbitant pay to what public administrators would get!