A Demand for Transparency and Full Disclosure
To: Senator Hillary Clinton
We, the people, respectfully request that you please do what Senator Barack Obama has already done and release your tax returns so that you can provide full discloser before another vote is cast and another donation is sent.
The Undersigned
Trump’s Détente with Venezuela
Trump’s corollary to the Monroe Doctrine – “speak loudly AND carry a big
stick” – has not been applied full force on Venezuela… as of yet. Instead
the new ...
2 hours ago
Yeah, full disclosure and transparency, Bitch. Monster.
ReplyDeleteYes! The Clintons have decided that if Hillary can't be the engineer, she's going to wreck the train and burn the trestles. She's a pyromaniac. She will so damage Obama so that McCain can win and she can then blame BHO and hope to come back in 2012!
ReplyDeleteYes, please, Obama & Obamaniacs, no more Mr. Nice Guy?
ReplyDeleteAs Mo Dowd says,
What could be more shameless than suggesting to Democrats that John McCain would make a better commander in chief than Obama?
Marching orders:
1) Get the Clinton tax returns. Checkout Andrew Sullivan:
The secrecy and paranoia endure. Releasing tax returns is routine for a presidential candidate. Barack Obama did it some time back. The Clintons still haven’t – and say they won’t for more than another month. Why? They have no explanation. They seem affronted by the question.
2) Hire back Samantha Power. Nice guys finish last, or buried as vice presidents.
Eliot Spitzer's implosion probably means that Hillary loses one super delegate from N.Y.