Forget The Roads Not Taken
It's too late for me to mourn the non-selection of Wes Clark or Hillary Clinton. After the campaign is over we can all assess that. For now, moving on, I have to say Joe Biden is going to prove a helluva good consolation.
Trump’s Détente with Venezuela
Trump’s corollary to the Monroe Doctrine – “speak loudly AND carry a big
stick” – has not been applied full force on Venezuela… as of yet. Instead
the new ...
2 hours ago
At least one of my traits that I am somewhat proud to have is the ability to see were I went wrong and admit it. After seeing, in bits and pieces, several of Palin's speeches since she accepted the repub nomination for VP I now find myself longing for the comfort that Hillary could have brought had the she been the Democratic VP nominee and had McCain still picked Palin. Which is problematic since it seems McCain more than likely would have picked someone else in some sort of chess-like strategy.
ReplyDeleteMy concern with Bidden is that he could fall into some sort of reverse sexism if he attacks Palin to strongly causing a backlash of sympathy for the "woman". I like Bidden, although I wanted somewhat else in the VP slot, and wish him the best luck going against an opponent whom several pundits have said that if Palin just survives a debate with him, she wins.
I freely admit that had things been different Hillary would have wiped the "hockey mom" up and down the floor without breaking a sweat.
In the end, in my opinion, its now down to which ever side wants it more.
Wow, Beach Bum and Vigil... so nice to hear you say these things I have known in my heart about Hillary for years and years.
ReplyDeleteWe are so in all of this together. Biden is a fine choice. A super, wonderful, remarkably fine choice.
You are right about how Biden has a tightrope to walk during the debate, but he can do it. Hillary would have mopped up the floor with McCain and Palin at once!
Palin's stance on vital issues should make us all terrified.
Have you two seen the latest video message from Barack Obama? I am trying to embed it in my last post at Ikonoclast. Go check it out!
Vigilante..... I've posted a reply to our ongoing discussion about liberal versus progressive over at madmike's. ... I felt it was too long (and unfair to your readers) to cross-post here, although I think your blog is a more appropriate place for that discussion.
ReplyDeleteYou are handling the Palin affair with great class and honor.
Biden is a much better qualified candidate for Vice President. And, I'm betting you noticed he is promising to at least investigage Bush once he and Obama are elected.
Vigil: I am confused. I was almost certain you were one of those who railed against Hillary Clinton, and were adamant in your opinion that Obama NOT select her for VEEP. Have I grown too old to have these discussions? Have I forgotten the reality of it all? Wasn't there some claim on your part about "Bubba" being in the WH? Perhaps I am mistaken. I could be you know. I doubt it but I could be....