Trump’s Détente with Venezuela
Trump’s corollary to the Monroe Doctrine – “speak loudly AND carry a big
stick” – has not been applied full force on Venezuela… as of yet. Instead
the new ...
2 hours ago
Tell the truth Vigil. You've probably in a Glen Beck outfit running around your neighborhood scaring children and spreading lies about the other neighbors !
ReplyDeleteOso: truth be told, I'm working on my English Premier League Rotisserie Futbol team, trying to get a jump at transactions over my opposition.
ReplyDeleteSo far we've had one Trick and Treater. A little 3 1/2 year old girl who just moved in across the street this month. For her, I turned the water off, the lights on, the Dobie in the back yard, and a smile on my face. I think I was convincing.
But I don't have to smile to my readers. Halloween- Bah humbug!
I hear you man.Both my daughters are grown and my big one isn't speaking to me due to a sibling rivalry thing so life in general sucks big time.
ReplyDeleteI miss the days when they were little.
Good luck with the Futbol deal.I'm sitting here eating candy and trying to find something watchable on TV.
Could be worse.could be hella worse,could be bummed in Kabul.Better bummed in Northern Cali than bummed in Kabul.Sounds like a movie, "Bummed in Kabul" with George Clooney playing me and Eva Longoria in a cameo role as herself. Later man
just got a call.Daughter in jail.calling bailbondsman.Life is great.
ReplyDeletekid home.fuck.always something.
ReplyDeleteAnti-Halloween? Bah Humbug?
ReplyDeleteIn our absolutely delightful little town, all the downtown merchants open their doors for three hours in the afternoon (just BEFORE dark) and give out free candy and treats to all the children. Heavily patrolled and sponserd by the police department, it's a safe, fun Halloween tradition. We generally get around two thousand youngsters, most with parents who stroll the Court Square and chat with one another and the shopkeepers.
There is no selling going on and each merchant provides several hundred dollars of candy and various treats. A wonderful time is had by all.
On another related note I was pleased to see the Obama's opening the White House doors to (selected) DC School Children for Trick or Treat. The President, Michelle and the girls looked wonderful and had a great time.
In response to Oso's first comment, the last time I got it up for Halloween was two years ago. My own Doberman snarled and barked at me.
ReplyDeleteIn response to Wizard: In all honesty, I think my competitive Little-League mentality is what led me to conclude, over time, that I did not belong in Halloween. I am thankful that I withdrew soon enough from Halloween so my kids could enjoy it. And, I acknowledge that in small town venues, Halloween has a great community value. In larger venues, where kids are car-pooled into, its potential is often not realized.
ReplyDeleteIn further response to Oso: I was never complacent about my kids. That they turned out as well as they did - I don't take credit for it. They are better than I deserve. Only because their mother, My Trophy Wife, was also better than I deserved.
ReplyDeleteBig improvement on masthead!
ReplyDeleteThings could have been worse.the 3 1/2 year old kid could have had on a little Phillies uniform.or a Giants hat.
As a Mets fan, Oso, it's generally not in my nature to root for the Yankees. BUT, being that they're going up against the dreaded Phillies (a team that I hate with virtually every fiber of my being), an exception this year may be in order. Goooooooo A-Rod!!
ReplyDeleteI say again:
ReplyDeleteBecause of the designated hitter rule, all American league teams play pseudo-baseball, semi-baseball, proto-baseball, crypto-baseball or ten-man baseball. Love for any American league team is perverse love, probnable the only remaining form of perversion.
Sorry, Will, I cannot go with you on this one. Oso's got it doubly right because he hates the Giants, too!
300 Arrests Reported for Isla Vista’s Halloween Weekend.
ReplyDeleteVig! The water looks cold. But the pic is beautiful. One wonders at what the evolution of Halloween will come to in say... another 300 years? What relegio affectations will mutate it still?
ReplyDeleteOso - Keeping you and yours in my prayers... hopeful that all is well for you! But I have to admit... I got popped for pranking when I was a kid. LOL
I am a Red Sox fan... as you might imagine, any team opposing the Yankees has my support!
Good luck with the futbol Vig!
To answer a prod in the ribs by Mad Mike in another thread: I am unbelievably fatigued with politics. I go in cycles: I think I'm cured. I can go out in the water again because it's safe to swim. And then, when I least expect it, one of the MFSOB Republicants say something that really pisses me off, and lo and behold, I'm running off to posting those red meat comments again.
ReplyDeleteItem #1: Wow! What a fun thread and a great idea to post it. I have to admit Vigil that from time to time you do have a great thought, at least when it's not about Afghanistan:-) As to the "prod in the ribs" which one was it? The "older than 80" inference with regard to Halloween or one of the others? In all seriousness I am also fatigued with politics and I am ever grateful for my wonderful contributors for stepping in and taking up the slack, even if once in a while I see them posting on Swift Speech:-) :-)
ReplyDeleteItem#2: I hate the Yankees. I have no idea why I hate the Yankees but I do. Maybe it is their overwhelming arrogance or maybe it is their overwhelmingly arrogant and obnoxious fans (present company excepted of course). Anyway last night I probably had too much fun with my friend John Walker as I loudly applauded the Phillies every time they did something to piss off the Yankees. I was so exuberant I think it scared my dogs as they refused to sleep but rather just sat around staring at the screeching and clapping human.
Item #3: Oso I hope all is well with you. I have a LOT of experience with the criminal justice system, both as a retired cop and as a current university professor who teaches it so if I can help send me a mail and I will give you my phone number. I really do hope it is nothing serious.
P.S. Vigil I do love your banner pictures. Naturally the swimming Ballou was my favorite but this one is also great.