Fredo is just a messenger.
I don't have the time to follow the ins and outs of this agonizingly slow-climaxing attorney-gate scandal. Scraps of hearings and transcripts have shown me enough of the deceptions and dissimulations to convince me that the rot in this l'affaire has got to the top of the Bushopranos.
This appears to be the nexus:
Who's your daddy, Gonzo?
Trump’s Détente with Venezuela
Trump’s corollary to the Monroe Doctrine – “speak loudly AND carry a big
stick” – has not been applied full force on Venezuela… as of yet. Instead
the new ...
2 hours ago
OK, madmike sent me here...and I can only listen to so much of that little weasel. You are so right. Gonzo should be at the top of the "fire him, fire him now" list.
ReplyDeleteEvery time Bush wants to commit a high crime or a misdemeanor, he goes to DOJ, and that sniveling little sycophant provides him with an opinion that whatever he wants to do is legal. If Gonzo were not there, his replacement would have to be approved by the Senate, who would insist on a real AG. A real AG would put Bush in a cell. Gonzo is safe from being fired.
ReplyDeleteGonzo is a Bush toe licker.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea! Mail a letter to your senators and congressman and tell them to grow a pair and impeach the bastards, starting with Gonzo! and be sure to enclose two ping-pong balls in the envelope to punctuate your meaning!
ReplyDeleteI always come back to the same place where I was less than a year ago and that is - why is it so easy for people in the high places to do so much wrong/criminal in an apparent impunity and why, oh why, is it so hard to hold them responsible for their wrong doings? For a nation which locks up over two million of her citizens, of which 2/3 are in for non violent crimes, one would expect the trend to be more pronounced also with those who are there to pass laws and enforce them. There is no escaping the fact, that something is rotten in the state of America when blatant law breaking and various other unsavory acts by the the top echelon keep on taking place year after year. Checks and balances that you are so proud about, where are they? I remember hearing; wait till we get the democratic majority! WELL???
ReplyDeleteVigil, your previous post was superb!
Heard something last night on Keith Olbermann that Gonzo prevented the early disclosure of Bush's drunk driving charge. If only is incompetence had let that one issue slip by him then.
ReplyDeleteYes, Pekka. You are so correct. Here's another crook we would like to see frog-marched of to the hoosegow.
ReplyDeleteGonzo is a bootlicker and I hope he gets impeached NOW!
ReplyDeleteImpeach the turd.
There's no more mileage to be gotten out of these confrontations. Democrats are starting to look bad because they have these hearings and nothing ever gets resolved.
You're right, M.D. It's the BITCH-SLAP PROTOCOL. If the American people sense that Democrats don't have the balls to slap down the Bush crime family, they won't have confidence that a Democratic president can put the big hurt on al Qaeda.
ReplyDeleteI have posted several links for showing support for impeachment. It is long past time. This should be the first casualty in the chain of corruption forged by Bush et al.
ReplyDeleteSeizing an ex-DOJ attorney's computer in his own home demonstrates administration's misplaced priorities: using FBI agents to track down leakers instead of processing FISA warrants to close the gaps in domestic surveillance.