In Salon, Sidney Blumenthal reviews the recent series on Dick Cheney in the Washington Post. Blumenthal recalls that Franklin D. Roosevelt’s first running mate, John Nance Garner, once said his office of Vice President was “not worth a bucket of warm piss”. Under Cheney, that's basically the value to which George Bush has been consigned.

Cheney has crushed the normal interagency process that permitted communication, cross-fertilization and cooperation at the sub-Cabinet level through all previous modern administrations. At the same time, he has isolated Cabinet secretaries, causing them to be fired when they contradicted him. . . . Cheney thrives in darkness, operating by stealth within the government, and makes a cult of secrecy.

Cheney has acted as the Stalin of the Bush administration, the master of the bureaucracy, eliminating one rival after another, ruthlessly and unscrupulously concentrating power, the culmination of a more than 30-year career.
. . . . Rather than transcending the executive, Cheney has deranged it in his effort to remake it into a branch of government of unlimited, unaccountable power. The head of the search committee who chose himself to be the experienced vice president to a callow president saw in George W. Bush his opportunity radically to alter the place of the executive within the federal government, which he had been straining to do . . . Cheney has viewed recent American history as a struggle between the imperial presidency necessary in a brutish world and the naive, undependable and in some cases disloyal constraints of Congress, the press and the judiciary. Under Bush, Cheney has shaped the presidential prerogative, acting as "an entity within the executive branch."
. . . .Even as the spotlight shines on the opaque Cheney, the light reflects on others as well. By shielding Bush from alternatives, Cheney has locked in certain decisions that Bush stubbornly defends as his own. The president's plight is not that of a removed ruler tragically kept from knowing what his government is doing in his name. He has had time to observe the consequences. He is aware of what Cheney says to him. The Decider decides that Cheney will decide what the Decider decides. This is not a case of if-only-the-czar-knew. In the seventh year of his presidency, Bush's decision making consists of justifying his previous decisions.

. . . . Despite the recent round of punditry that Cheney's influence has waned, he remains a formidable force. These are Cheney's final days; this is his endgame. He will never run again for public office. He is freed from the constraints of political consequences. He now has no horizon. He lives only in the present. He is nearly done. There are only months left to achieve his goals. Mortality impinges. Next month, he will have his heart pacemaker replaced. He disdains public opinion. He does not care who's next. As Cheney said on Fox News on May 10,There hasn't been a day in the last four and a half years, when I haven't wondered why my delusional fellow Americans elected this dysfunctional duo into our nation's highest office.We didn't get elected to be popular. We didn't get elected to worry just about the fate of the Republican Party.
What a coincidence!
ReplyDeleteJames MacGregor Burns and Susan Dunn in the L.A. Times say in A 'Kitchen Cabinet' of one, Vice President Cheney's unprecedented power and hard-line stands have limited diverse viewpoints within the White House:
Cheney is the most powerful vice president in our history. He controls a staff of true believers, issues his own ideological pronunciamentos
White House watchers speculate that, behind the scenes, Cheney directs policy....It is one thing to balance toward the party center, as FDR and JFK did. It is quite different for a staunch conservative like Bush to tilt the ticket toward an even more right-wing Republican. That creates acute imbalance, narrowing the party's electoral appeal and weakening its capacity to win support in Congress.
The Bush-Cheney presidency — shaped and led by ideologues who have rejected the creative, collective leadership that might be supplied by a vibrant, diverse Cabinet — has immobilized itself in its own narrowness and extremism. The test of leadership is not simply calling oneself "the decider." The test is whether leaders can mobilize followers who will sustain them in the tough decisions that lie ahead.
Plus he is a Kracy Khristian also.
ReplyDeleteHey, these guys are just getting warmed up.
They have to bring on the Apocalypse next, so that the NEW JERUSALEM can happen.
Now let me think. Is it possible there may be an 'intervention' ?
Bruce Fein says on the Bill Moyers Show:
ReplyDeleteWell, this is an unusual affair of president/vice-president, where the vice-president is de facto president most of the time. And that's why most of people recognize that these decisions, especially when it comes to overreaching with executive power, are the product of Dick Cheney and his aide, David Addington, not George Bush and Alberto Gonzalez or Harriet Miers, who don't have the cerebral capacity to think of these devilish ideas. And for that reason, they equate the administration more with Dick Cheney than with George Bush.
Emily, heed the words of John Nichols:
ReplyDeleteOn January 20th, 2009, if George Bush and Dick Cheney are not appropriately held to account this administration will hand off a toolbox with more powers than any president has ever had, more powers than the founders could have imagined. And that box may be handed to Hillary Clinton or it may be handed to Mitt Romney or Barack Obama or someone else. But whoever gets it, one of the things we know about power is that people don't give away the tools. They don't give them up. The only way we take tools out of that box is if we sanction George Bush and Dick Cheney now and say the next president cannot govern as these men have.
When I heard these words, I rushed back into the TV room to replay them. I expected a thunder-and-lightning back drop and was only slightly disappointed. 90% of Moyers audience, I am sure, saw the lightning and heard the thunder. This is the case for impeachment.